Welcome to the Halton Down Syndrome Association!
Congratulations on the upcoming arrival of your bundle of joy!
While the anticipation of a new baby can be a joyful and exciting time; receiving a diagnosis of Down syndrome can bring feelings of confusion, sadness, stress, and fear. There are few events in my life that I remember as clearly as when I was told during my sixth month of pregnancy that my son would be born with Down syndrome. Once I answered that phone call, it felt like time stood still. The pain felt excruciating and a sense of panic and fear took over my body and mind.
I felt alone. I felt like I had failed my family. I felt like I had failed my son; the one who I was expecting and planning for over the last happy months; the one who I feared I would never meet. I remember thinking: What will happen to my life? and Will my son enjoy life to the fullest? not to mention the Why did this happen to us? thoughts that frequently raced through my mind after the diagnosis.
The sense of loss and grief was palpable, and it was an experience that changed my life. The week following the diagnosis, my mind and heart slowly began to heal. While the news brought fear and sadness, it also presented me with a challenge; a challenge that I now face each day with joy, love and awe. It changed my perspective and motivated me to make the world a better place for my inspiring son; the son who I have always dreamed of, whether I knew it or not.
Each day, my beautiful boy does something that amazes me. Every day he answers the question Why me? that I asked so many times during my pregnancy. The answer is because I am lucky. This realization was not an easy one. It did not come overnight. For much of my pregnancy I certainly felt far from lucky. However, it grew as I recognized the beauty, potential, and purpose of my son’s life.
If you have recently received a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome, please know that you are not alone. Your feelings are valid and natural. Many of us have been there, and there are many people waiting to support you in any way that you need. Please contact me at office@haltondownsyndrome.com and tell us how we can support you and your family.
You are about to embark on a beautiful and profound journey. Congratulations.
I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy- I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it. ~ Art Williams
Wishing the very best to you and your family,
Sarah Gale
Phone: 289-878-2165