Our Supporters
Our efforts in the Halton Down syndrome community are made possible by our generous sponsors and community partners. We are very grateful to our supporters for all that they have done for HDSA.
A huge thank you goes out to our funders:
Donna & Philip Davis Charitable Foundation
Thank you for all of your support over the years! You have truly helped enrich the lives of people with Down syndrome!
GoodLife Kids Foundation
HDSA was the recipient of the GoodLife Kids Foundation Activity Program Grant to help fund activity programs at all age levels like yoga, gymnastics, SportBall, and much more! To check out one of the programs that they have helped fund, click here to see one of GoodLife Kids Foundation's #FeelYourImpact videos!
Oakville Community Foundation
We would like to thank the Oakville Community Foundation for their generous grant to fund the Handwriting without Tears program. This program has directly benefited children with Down syndrome in the Halton community.
From a parent: After attending the HWT workshop, I was excited to try out the Mat Man idea with my children. My boys, age 6 and 4, had literally never drawn anything that resembled anything… everything they “drew” was scribbles and lines. We practiced Mat Man on the floor with the wooden pieces two or three times, then moved it to the chalkboard, and this was what my 6 year old (who has Down syndrome) produced on his FIRST attempt! I was so proud of him, and he was so proud of himself!
Halton Region Community Investment Fund (HRCIF)
The Halton Region Community Investment Fund (HRCIF) provided HDSA with a generous grant for their 2017-2018 fiscal year to support our Early Foundations Reading Program. This grant allowed us to expand the one-to-one reading program designed by the Down Syndrome Research Foundaiton (DSRF) to have two Ontario Certified Teachers and offer 52 spots for children in our membership. To learn more about our Reading Program from the 2017-2018 fiscal year, supported by HRCIF, check out this video!
Hamilton Honey Badgers
Youth Culture
SpeedPro Signs
Data Communications Management
DMS Professional DJs for all Occasions
Squires Public House in Burlington
Daymaker Coffee Roasters
Daymakers Coffee Roasters will donate 3.21% of every sale to supporting people with Down syndrome to help fund life enriching supports.