Improving the quality of life of individuals with Down syndrome.
Many families have questions regarding tax benefits and grants that are available to them to help with their child's needs. The following is a list of funding sources that may help ease the way for families who have children with Down syndrome.
Government Assistance
The Child Disability Benefit is a federal tax benefit awarded monthly to families who have a child with a disability. To access the CDB, families must fill out and submit the Disability Tax Credit Certificate. This form must be certified by a qualified practitioner, e.g. a paediatrician.
Registered Disability Savings Plan
The RDSP is a tax-assisted savings plan designed to assist individuals with disabilities and their families with long-term savings and future planning.
The ADP is provided by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care to assist families in the purchase of important equipment that will increase the independence of an individual with a disability. Over 8,000 types of equipment are eligible, so please visit the Ministry website for more information.
Government Assisstance
This funding assists families who are caring for children with physical or developmental disabilities. Funding can be used for respite or for programs that will help the child's development. The waitlist for this funding is long, so it is best to submit the form as soon as possible. If you require assistance filling out the form, you can phone Halton Support Services at 905-844-7864 or if your child is a client at ErinOakKids, you can receive assistance there.
There are circumstances where medical expenses are eligible for tax deductions. A Disability Tax Credit Certificate is required to claim these expenses.
Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities
Not all children with Down syndrome will be eligible for this funding. Please visit the website for more information about who can apply.
Available Grants
Easter Seals Incontinence Grant
The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care provides funding for incontinence supplies (diapers) for children between the ages of 3 and 18. This funding is administered by Easter Seals. Children between the ages of 3 and 6 can receive up to $400 per year, while those between the ages of 6 and 19 can receive up to $900 per year.
President's Choice Children's Charity
The President's Choice Children's Charity provides financial assistance to families who have children with special needs. Eligibility is income dependent.